Christchurch Priory

Welcome to our parish website. Christchurch Priory stands at the heart of its community, on a site which has been a holy place for 1300 years. The striking impression given by the Priory’s exterior is more than matched on entering inside the building. Simon Jenkins, in ‘England’s Thousand Best Churches’, describes the Priory as ‘sensational’.
For all its rich history, Christchurch Priory is much more than a heritage site. Today’s Priory community offers a warm welcome to everyone who crosses the threshold. We also continue the legacy of the Augustinian canons who lived and served here before 1539: daily prayer and worship, mission and service to the local community, hospitality, and loving care for all – a ministry we share with St George’s Church, Jumpers.
Jesus said, ‘I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly’ (John 10.10). Whatever your reason for coming to Christchurch Priory, I pray that your visit may give you a glimpse of that abundant life which is His gift to all.
The Revd Canon Charles Stewart, Vicar of Christchurch
Sunday Service Live
Those who are unable to attend in person are warmly invited to join us online from 10am for the Sung Eucharist from the Priory at https://youtube.com/@ChristchurchPrioryDorset.
The order of service can be viewed or downloaded here
Normal Weekly Service Times:
In the Priory Church
8am Eucharist
10am Sung Eucharist (& Junior Church for ages up to 13)
6.30pm Choral Evensong (Solemn Evensong & Benediction on the last Sunday of the Month)
At St. George's
9.30am Sung Eucharist
Weekdays and Saturdays
8.30am daily Morning Prayer on Zoom.
For joining details please contact 'Conference' via our contact page.
5pm daily Evening Prayer in the Great Quire at the Priory
Monday 9.30am Holy Communion at the Priory (St. Stephen's Chapel)
Tuesday 9.30am Holy Communion at the Priory (St. Stephen's Chapel)
Wednesday 11am Holy Communion with Hymns at the Priory (Lady Chapel)
Thursday 10am Holy Communion at St George's
Thursday 11am Holy Communion at the Priory (Lady Chapel)
Friday 9.30am Holy Communion at the Priory (St. Stephen's Chapel)
Saturday 9.30am Holy Communion at the Priory (St. Stephen's Chapel)
View the Priory Church Weekly Schedule here
Donations: Please either post a cheque made out to The PCC of Christchurch Holy Trinity - Freewill Offering Ac, to The Finance Administrator, Christchurch Priory, Priory House, Quay Road, BH23 1BU; or make a direct payment by online banking to The PCC of Christchurch Holy Trinity - Freewill Offering Ac , sort code 40-52-40, account number 00034168; or use the ‘DONATE’ button below to make a donation using a debit card.
Thank you.